O!Karte prepaid mobile card promo site
O!Karte prepaid mobile card promo site

O!Karte prepaid mobile card promo site

The company Latvijas Mobilais Telefons is the first and the biggest mobile phone operator in Latvia.
In autumn 2008 the client turned to us with a proposal to develop a new site for one of their services – OKarte. As we had so many new ideas ready to be implemented we were excited to offer them something new.
According to the brief description the main page should have contained a lot of useful information. As we didn’t want to make it too overloaded we decided to split it in three windows that could be navigated using arrows ← ↑ →.
2nd iteration
As we care for users with a low Internet connection speed we have abandoned flash and for animation we intended to use Javascript.

After multiple meetings and satisfying client’s wishes the light background was replaced by the company’s green and we adjusted the information blocks as well.
At the beginning of spring 2009 the final design was accepted and we started the programming of the project. The day before the commissioning of our project the management of the company decided to change the overall style of OKarte. We were presented a new concept and a new brand of O!Karte that was in no way related to the existing design. Sadly to say but our work was archived and never accepted any visitors.