ABLV ibank iPhone app design
ABLV ibank iPhone app design

ABLV ibank iPhone app design

ABLV Bank is one of the largest banks in Latvia with offices in 9 countries. The bank has a 20-year history and a clear vision of its values, captured in its brand.
We have developed design of Internetbank for iPhone, which allows monitoring your accounts and payment cards, performing intrabank payments and currency exchange, signing applications and payments and sending those to the bank, as well as ensures convenient way of sending your details to business partners.
Light or dark
To satisfy needs of each client and facilitate use of the application in different light conditions, there were two contrast versions developed, which can be switched between at the start screen.
In corporate style
While working on the project, we have studied the detailed ABLV brand book, which should be thoroughly complied with, and implemented the brand in the interface of the application for iPhone.
This version is slightly reduced compared to common Internetbank, but development is continued, and application functionality will be expanded.